• Categories
  • Veterinary Analyzer Service [ALD]

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Service engineers are located throughout the country,
which reduces service intervention time

Central service in Warsaw: 

Taśmowa 1
02-677 Warsaw
phone: 22 631 40 13
Fax: 22 631 48 23

Service Engineer: 

Błaszczak, MSc Maciej
608 016 800

Service Engineer: 

Sobotka Marcin
530 009 620

Local services:

Dolnośląskie, Opolskie, Wielkopolskie, Lubuskie

606 325 577

Silesia, Lesser Poland, Świętokrzyskie

602 314 681
We provide an analyzer service authorized by manufacturers
and other offered devices
Our service technicians undergo regular training at the manufacturers' premises
Phone number
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    MEGAVET Business Directory

Access to the content of the MEGAVET Directory of Veterinary Companies is possible only for persons practicing a medical profession or trading in medical devices. 

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