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  • FeLV Ag/FIV Ab/FCoV Test (3X) 10 pieces per pack [GWV]

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An immunochromatographic assay, a sandwich-type test for the detection of leukemia virus, antibodies to acquired immune deficiency virus in the blood of cats, and feline coronavirus (infectious peritonitis) in body fluid.
The material can be whole blood, serum, plasma, pleural fluid and abdominal fluid.

The package contains

  • tests (10 pcs), droppers (20 pcs)
  • buffer (2 pcs)
  • buffer tubes (10 pcs)
  • EDTA tubes (10 pcs)
  • statement

Procedure (FeLV and FIV):

  1. Draw blood into a tube with EDTA (serum may also be used)
  2. Collect a blood/serum sample with a dropper.
  3. Sprinkle 1 drop of the sample, 3-4 drops of buffer and wait 5-10 minutes for the test.

FCo V Procedure:

  1. Draw fluid from body cavities into a tube.
  2. Take a sample with a dropper.
  3. Add the sample to the buffer tube and mix thoroughly.
  4. Sprinkle 4 drops of the sample mixed with the buffer for the test and wait 5-10 minutes.


  • Positive: Current T and C line
  • Negative: only line C present
  • If the C-line is missing, the test is faulty
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